Maven Project Version Management The Most Elegant Software For Mac
Eclipse was initially designed so that you were able to work on one or a few more or less unrelated projects at the same time. Later (not always sound) requirements lead to IBMs abuse of projects as 'modules' which eclipse actually handles rather bad.
Maven Environment Setup - Learn Maven in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, Environment Setup, POM, Build Life Cycle, Build profiles, Repositories, Plug-ins, Creating Project, Build & Test Project, External Dependencies, Project Documents, Project Templates, Snapshot, Build Automation, Dependency Management, Deployment Automation.
Maven makes your build process dependent on your network connection. The default dependency and plugin fetching process depends on a network connection, yes, but only for the initial build (or if you change the dependencies or plugins in use). After that all the jars are locally cached.
Since the Eclipse test framework is Ant based, it needs a build file that it can execute. This build file usually relies on a more complex build file, provided by the test framework, so it's actually fairly simple.
The reason for this is that when a plugin exposes packages that live in one or more jars, Maven 2 needs to know about those jars, so that it can satisfy dependencies. Without this, other plugins that depend upon classes in such a jar could never be compiled. The default behavior of PDE is to launch the second instance of Eclipse with all the plugins of the development environment along with all plugins under development in that environment. This, of course, can be configured through the launch configuration editor's 'Plug-ins' tab. The challenge here is that Maven 2, by default, expects everything to be neatly tucked away under the src/main/resources directory. If we stuck all the plugin's icons and images along with the plugin.xml and files in that directory, Maven 2 would correctly package the plugin for release but PDE wouldn't be able to launch it correctly, making debugging the plugin virtually impossible.
Did I say the module names are case-sensitive? Yes buddy, trust me it is case-sensitive. Try creating the following directories in Linux, “test” and “TEST”, they are two different directories in Unix/Linux, hence Maven treats them as case-sensitive. However, Windows and Mac treats the folder names as case-insensitive. Bottom line, when you are working in Maven, always treat the module names as case-sensitive. Every module must have a separate pom.xml file under the respective folders.
You can create a build plan on your Continuous Integration server with the above command to automatically tag the current version, and automatically bump the SNAPSHOT version. This could be useful for automatically triggerd nightly releases, or manually triggered releases. Reference • Related posts: • • • • •.
The suite features six personal productivity applications: word processor, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database. Apache released two versions in 2012, adding vector graphics capabilities, more language support, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Version 4.0 is due in April, says Andrea Pesecetti, vice president of Apache OpenOffice. It will feature a modernized GUI, interoperability improvements for Microsoft Word files, better accessibility for disabled persons, and performance improvements.
And we do so by specifying the fully qualified artifact name of the parent POM. With this setup, our module can now inherit some of the properties of our parent POM. Alternatively, if we want the groupId and / or the version of your modules to be the same as their parents, you can remove the groupId and / or the version identity of your module in its POM. Project Aggregation is similar to. But instead of specifying the parent POM from the module, it specifies the modules from the parent POM.
I feel that the benefits far outweigh any problems. Chiefly: • Standardized project structure.
It began as a subproject of Apache Jakarta and was spun out in 2005. 'The Apache Struts project offers framework solutions to build so-called action-based Java Web applications, in contrast to component-based solutions like JSF or Apache Wicket,' says Rene Gielen, vice president of Apache Struts. Version 1 was the de-facto standard for building Java-based Web applications before the rise of JavaServer Faces, Gielen says. Struts 2 'is a lightweight, elegant, and highly decoupled action-based Web framework being built on the basic principles introduced by Struts 1, but without sharing a single line of code with its predecessor.' A major redesign is anticipated for Struts 3 in the near future. Subversion was founded by CollabNet in 2000. The version control system currently vies with Git for developer mind share, but Greg Stein, vice president of Subversion, does not see it as a duel.
• Given a new developer joining a project: • When you say it's a Maven project, then developer knows the project layout and how to build and package the project • When you say it's an Ant project, then developer will have to wait for you to explain more or will have to go through the build.xml to figure things out. • Of course, it's always possible to impose on company-wide standard with Ant but I think more often than not, you will be re-inventing the proverbial wheel. • Dependency management. • Not just with external libraries but also with internal libraries/modules. Be sure to use a Maven repository proxy server such as.
If I ever need to go back (which is SUPER rare), I can easily go back to my archived version database and retrieve what I need. I can honestly not think of a reason why I would use any of the version control platforms listed in this article. I’ve tried using them, and they all get in the way of development. Spend more time developing and less time messing with typing in CLI commands (how 80’s). Maybe when the version control systems are updated to work like software from this century I’ll reconsider.
Just to be completely honest, we did have plugins that contained jars as well as code, but to keep things simple (as we like to do) we decided that it was easy enough to keep our Eclipse plugins purely source or binary. After some trials with implementing this concept using the default build lifecycle and the predefined packaging types pom and jar, we reverted to using packaging types that we created called source-plugin (for all Eclipse plugin projects that contained source code) and binary-plugin (for all Eclipse projects that simply exposed jars). This allowed us to control two of the concerning issues, packaging and testing. In order to create our own packaging types, we had to define our own Maven 2 lifecycles. The configuration and some explanation for this can be found in. We then proceeded to solve all the issues described in the above sections by writing Mojos or by providing configuration to existing Mojos.
Having resolved the version, there is still no groupId and certainly no packaging type to be found. Adobe flash cs3 free trial. At this point we go by the assumption that all Eclipse plugins we develop and all Eclipse plugins we scrape belong to the same groupId. That leaves us with the problem of finding out what packaging type the dependency is.
Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5 Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: – Jan 10 '14 at 23:14 •. REST OF ERROR: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5 Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5 Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5 – Jan 10 '14 at 23:16 •. No, it needs a repository configured in of either your pom.xml or in settings.xml to know where to download the dependency from in order to add it to ~/.m2/repositories. Alternatively you can have a multi module build where all the dependencies are compiled at once. Possibly it may also be enough to compile your dependency with clean install first if you have it as a source in order for maven to put it into ~/.m2/repositories, but I am not sure if compilation of the original module that requires it will be able to find it that way – Jan 10 '14 at 23:24 •.
Every Maven project has a packaging type. If it is not specified in the POM, then the default value 'jar' would be used. Furthermore, you can see that in the minimal POM the repositories were not specified. If you build your project using the minimal POM, it would inherit the repositories configuration in the Super POM. Therefore when Maven sees the dependencies in the minimal POM, it would know that these dependencies will be downloaded from which was specified in the Super POM. my-app 1 4.0.0 my-module 1 Notice that we now have an added section, the parent section. This section allows us to specify which artifact is the parent of our POM.
Version control software, including the well known SVN and, was designed from the ground up to allow teams of programmers to work on a project together without wasting man-hours on paperwork. Instead of manually scanning branches of code and associated notes, version control allows for a central repository that is organized, logical, and facilitates file updates, notation, and even merging. There are a lot of opinions regarding which version control framework is the best, and can force programmers and project management teams into fierce debate. When choosing the right version control for your project, you should consider that some of pros of one package you will come across are subjective, meaning the opinion of the programmer, and other factors, such as speed and IDE plug-in capabilities, overshadow the raw numbers. The main difference between version control systems is whether they are server based or peer-to-peer. Either they have a centralized repository where code is checked out and back in with changes, or a setup where the code is frequently updated from peer sources, a more decentralized network, to keep code current. Beyond that, you will also want to consider speed, functionality, and the learning curve associated with the system.
• Runs maven deploy site-deploy goals to deploy the released version. This step is responsible for deploying the jar or war to the remote repository. After the release is done, file will be deleted. Section 3: Automating the release process Single line release process The following command will tag source control, bump up the current pom.xml version and push a tagged artifact (jar or war) to a remote repo. Mvn release:prepare release:perform -B For example, if your current project version was 0.92-SNAPSHOT • The release version will be 0.92 • The next development version will be 0.93-SNAPSHOT • The scm tag version will be artifactId-0_92 If you want to specify the versions manually, then see Section 2 above. A single line release command is good for productivity and great for automation.
Like Maven, Gradle has built-in dependency-management and makes some assumptions about project structure, but like Ant its execution is based on tasks. Unlike both Ant and Maven, Gradle has an elegant syntax which allows you to essentially write your build code in Groovy. Unlike Maven, the assumptions about project structure are conventions rather than rules. I have to say, though, that I recently an official Gradle plugin which takes some of those assumptions as hard rules, and I had to abandon the plugin and use another tool. Hopefully this situation will improve over time. One thing I really like about Gradle is its dependency management syntax, which allows much simpler find-replace for version upgrades than Maven’s XML tags.
If tests pass, maven will tag the source in the source control with the release version you specified in point 3 above. • Maven will collect all the information that you provide and write a local file called “”. This file lets you continue from where you left in case of errors. You can everything you’ve done so far with mvn release:clean to start over c) Make the actual release Once you’ve actually prepared the release using mvn release:prepare, you can make the release by typing the following command mvn release:perform This command uses created by the previous step and does the following • Checks out code tagged in the previous step. It figures out the tag version from the file.
By doing so, the parent project now knows its modules, and if a Maven command is invoked against the parent project, that Maven command will then be executed to the parent's modules as well. To do Project Aggregation, you must do the following: • Change the parent POMs packaging to the value 'pom'.
Better 2 targets that work that you fully understand. Caveat: last worked with Maven 2 years ago, it may be better now.
• The XML format is very verbose. I can see why it was done that way, but it's still a pain to read. • That said, it's got an XSD for easy editing in an IDE. • It's difficult to get your head round it in the beginning. Things like the lifecycle, for example. • is a good introduction however.
• Plugin Packaging Mojos. (Issue: Eclipse plugins need to packaged a certain way) This came mostly as an unfortunate side affect of using our own Maven 2 lifecycle definitions and our own packaging types. The default packaging Mojos have some assumptions of how certain packaging types can be packaged and how others (like pom packagings) can be excluded from the norm. Since there is no extension mechanism for packaging types we couldn't define our binary-plugin as a kind of pom packaging. Hence these Mojos that know how to treat our packagings. This Mojo, while packaging, will also pick the manifest file from the META-INF directory located at the root of the plugin project. At the time of writing this article, the default jar packager in Maven 2 would ignore this manifest file even if it was specified as a resource. The only artifact we ever check in is the POM itself, since everything else either is managed by Maven 2 or can be generated cheaply.
This way, comparatively little configuration is needed in each of the projects that most developers are working on. Specifically, our plugin project POMs only contain the group ID, artifact ID and version of the parent and the plugin itself. Source Code Management (SCM) Source code management is largely 'business as usual', but a few things must be kept in mind. We happen to use CVS, but other supported SCM systems, like e.g. Subversion, should be usable with the same results and caveats described below.
Apache Maven is an elegant tool to learn, but allows you to support complex project setup with very less effort. Let’s consider the below eBill Software with four modules as shown in Picture 1. The idea of a Maven Multi-module project is to • build all the modules under eBill Software automatically when eBill Software is built • promote modular coding practice • promote reuse and easier maintenance • break a project into many small related modules to improve build efficiency Let us take a look into the eBill top-level pom.xml. Maven expects a sub-directory for each module listed in the modules section as shown below.
Other information such as the project version, description, developers, mailing lists and such can also be specified. 4.0.0 my-app 1 A POM requires that its groupId, artifactId, and version be configured. These three values form the project's fully qualified artifact name. This is in the form of:. As for the example above, its fully qualified artifact name is ''. Also, as mentioned in the, if the configuration details are not specified, Maven will use their defaults. One of these default values is the packaging type.
“If you want to have a single master source tree that is being worked on by a small core development group, SVN should be the first system you try as it’s reliable and tailored for that.” This is crazy. SVN has no significant advantages over Hg or Git, regardless of team size. If you want a “single master source tree”, then set up a single master Hg/Git server for your team to use (instead of a single master SVN server). As SVN relies on the network for so many basic operations, it’s going to be slower and less reliable, in addition to merges being much more difficult.
• Compilation • Unit testing • Javadoc generation • Code coverage • Code style checking • Release Of course, all of this has to happen on several different platforms, each with their own quirks, special requirements and caveats. Our first conclusion was that relying on Ant to get all this done would be a huge effort - especially in the area of dependency management and transparency.