Rabbit Hole Project On Flowvella

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Rabbit Hole Distilling is a newcomer to Kentucky's bourbon scene. It opened a $15 million distillery last month on Jefferson Street, near Clay Street, in Louisville's NuLu area. The Rabbit Hole Project shared a link. Sp S on S so S red S March 26, 2017 youtube.com. How to Apply Your Mask. And this is how to apply your mask Place the elastic bands around your ears like so Pinch just above the nose for a snug fit And now you're ready to go show.

Anonymous is using inflammatory language in order to provoke Jen and her readers. For instance, take a look at the sentence 'Try being creative instead of copying.' Would you say that to a friend who made an accessory based on something they saw online? I doubt it, because it sounds cold. It sounds like something you say to someone you don't like very much when you want to make them angry.

Please feel free to disregard. But do try to make wool dreads! They are fun and easy. We made some red ones for a Sebastian costume for the musical version of the Little Mermaid. They were splendid! You could mix it with your regular hair *cough* and go for a little queue braided with them tied back in a ribbon.:) ~Yet another Jenn.

Even though cyber locks and dreadfalls are really cool-looking and can be reminiscent of springs, they read as very raver/club kid/cybergoth, and when paired with something that is supposed to draw from a very elegant and polished time period of fashion, they don't fit. I would research victorian hairstyles and pick one that you think would be appropriate, or at least looks comfortable to wear and easy to put up.

Inspire us to try and create something similarly beautiful. Inspire us to appreciate the creativity and art around us. Inspire us to share that art, whether by blogging, or pinterest or facebook or by purchasing an original piece. Or making an effort to imitate what we have seen. Thankfully most people choose to lift others up.

I made a yarn wig once for a Raggedy Ann costume and while it was a bit time consuming, it was super easy. What is that craft that uses a metal punch tool to wrap short bits of yarn to a wide mesh for a decorate rug like thing? Brain not working. Anyway, if you know what I'm talking about you might be able to use that to craft a short, white yarn haired wig you could form fit to your head. Also, you could ponytail your hair out the back of the wig and just add silver tinsel hair decoration thingies to your ponytail to lighten it up and not have all your hair stuffed under a wig.

I'm excited to see your waistcoat and shoes and stuff, too! Will you have twee little bunny claws? I think the white rabbit SHOULD have white hair. After all, that's the fur!

They'd make a great white rabbit look. I love the idea of putting a key on your back! Like the Queens toy. Lol Your mask is awesome too, you make me jealous, and inspire me all at once with all of your crafting ability lol. The only thing on the mask that I liked better on the ones you modeled it after is that the paint around the eye extended a little further over.

And the ones who did, like me, were probably not too keen on the idea of feeding the trolls. Anyway, Jen's regular readers all know that Jen didn't 'steal' anything here nor would she ever 'steal.' As always, she cited her inspiration for her project and credited her source. If her beautiful mask is 'stealing,' then every single DIY project is 'stealing' (what a ridiculous idea!).

I like this stuff! Oh, and I just realized the scale of this picture makes my mask look tiny, but I can assure you that's just a giant pocket watch.:) It's actually a vintage wall clock, but I removed the electrical guts and replaced them with a lightweight battery operated clock mechanism, so it even works! I also jazzed up the face with metallic gear cutouts and gems. (Still not 100% happy with it, but it's on the back burner for now.) The thing still weighs a ton due to its heavy metal case, but there's no way I could make something like this entirely from scratch. It's wonderful.

I too was so angry that I didn't want to respond for fear of starting a fire storm. I didn't want to contribute to turning your beautiful blog into that but we need to stand up for you. My point would have been why would Andrea have put up a YOU TUBE TUTORIAL if she cared about people making things similar to what she makes? I checked the link and the video is gone now (not sure why) but the very fact that it existed means one of two things: 1.) At the time Andrea did not care about sharing her process but may have changed her mind later and decided to remove it. 2.) Some OTHER troll put it up without her permission but who would be able to know that if there was no mention of it? My feeling is probably option 1. Jen, please come back, but when you are ready.

Intelligent and creative people, like you and Jen, gather ideas and inspiration and then bust your asses figuring out how you can do something similar yourself, not as a huge 'eff you' to the sources, but as a tip of the hat, an homage, a gracious 'thank you for giving me such a wonderful idea and an opportunity to exercise my imagination.' Of course it would've been easier to just buy the original mask, but where is the fun in that? The joy and satisfaction and experience of doing it yourself is priceless. The pleasure in making something that is exactly what you want and achieving a custom fit, and the excitement of adding it to the rest of a costume that you worked so hard on is a feeling that can't be bought. I desperately hope none of this will suck the pleasure out of the mask for Jen. I, for one, can't wait to see the rest of the steampunk White Rabbit, and I hope Jen will someday soon wear the costume with pride and get all the compliments she deserves. Jen has given her ideas away so graciously and selflessly over the years and inspired so many people with her humor, creativity, and kindness.

While the definition is a little loosey-goosey it seems clear that 1. There was no intent to steal and 2. There was no intent to represent the finished product as the original. You can even argue about whether this project can even be considered 'art,' as opposed to 'craft.' And while the projects are similar, they are not identical. Look at the fashion industry. Ever since the beginning of time, seamstresses have copied the high fashion styles that were published in books and magazines. Sonic studio soundblade se 2.2 4ch mastering workstation for mac.

Priest calls his effort the Insignia Project and exposes people, government agencies such as the CIA, the Vatican, high level officials (up to presidents), bankers, etc., of crimes including murder. This will probably take at least ten posts to get anywhere near the bottom of this rabbit hole- if there is a bottom. This is just the beginning. 'A researcher named Elihai Priest has collected a series of documents, originally released by FOIA, journalists, and other government and world entities. He is referring to this as Project Insignia. A majority of this information is dated and has been released many times. The new piece of information contained here is the Panetta recording of a kill order.

What I'm actually imagining is something like a pageboy cut, short and no-nonsense. What about a fingerwave? Or something a little longer? If you do decide to go with locks you can make your own, or even make your own dreadlocks. I've done those, and they'll make your knuckles hate you but they are quick and cheap. I don't love the idea of cyberlocks, but maybe white dreads with some kind of steamy touch, like.

OMG I want to see the whole thing! And I want to get back to crafting.

I've been on a month-long hiatus 'cleaning' and organizing (AKA making my entire house look like it belongs on Pinterest). Anywho - I was thinking that it would be A)Fun B)Awesome and C)not as stark if you went with a fascinator. I'm seeing your hair in a ponytail that is then braided into several braids and maybe some gold/white faux braids clipped in or those cyberlox mixed in. If you just want to do the braids for an easier (not clipping lots of things in individually, I've another idea further down.

I think these books would make an awesome investment for all your awesome crafting! The molding and casting book was actually a required book for a class on curating fossil collections. Anonymous If you want to make dreadlocks, make/use i-cord & felt it.

Ignore the trolls. We love you both as much as we can love two people we don't know IRL, and you have our full support. Kellie EXACTLY KW!!

Just use 80-100% wool or it won't felt. Fun, Fun, and more Fun! Good luck, your mask is amazing! As far as your watch goes, I would have to agree with aging the case. On the other hand, I love the bright gems, but because they are offset from the real time would stick to all the smaller size gems and not use the bigger ones to mark the quarter hours. Just my opinion on that.

The hat stays on with a tiny clip and a hair comb (seriously doesn't move). Here are pictures with the hat on an actual person vs. The head model: http://www.storiedthreads.com/mini_top_hat.html.

This is a sample of what I've uncovered so far. Much more research is needed as I only was able to view a few of the folders in full, and had to take a hard pause. I have bolded sections that I believe are of note. If you have anything to add, please let me know and I will edit the post with the findings. This collection is the ultimate example of 'follow the money.'

Google Images I stumbled across a Reddit post in the Great Awakening that is gigantic, not only in size but in importance as well. It begins with an Australian man named Eliahi Priest who uncovered corruption on a global scale, in the US, UK, Australia, the Vatican and elsewhere. It involves drugs, banking, gun running and corruption involving unbelievable amounts of money and involves some of the most powerful people on earth. This is so big, I'm at a loss as to how to approach this. So I suppose an introduction of Mr. Priest, or Contact Zero as he calls himself, would be in order.

Kind of like hair wrapping with thread, only on a grander, less time-consuming scale. From experience it takes come practice to not make it too stiff and stick out, but then I think you've got a lot more hair than me to work with in the first place, so that should make it easier! Or perhaps just cover the whole shebang with a simple white beanie? You could even make a white beanie out of eyelash wool, which once it's knitted/crocheted up looks just like fur. Put it in a bun, then put a hair bun cover over it, like a ballet dancer! A nice neat lacy white one - would be like hinting at a bunny tail!

I see this as no different from that. I just discovered this blog and I hope that Jen returns before I finish reading all the old postings.

We started out absolutely in love with the original mask and honestly, I would have just bought it for Jen. She doesn't ask for much. But after discussing it for a while, we realized that it just wasn't exactly what we wanted for Jen's costume.

CakeWrecks and Epbot are perfect models of everything that is right with the Internet. You guys just keep on doing what you're doing.

Because our purpose, Jen's purpose, has and always will be to bring a little joy. Anonymous John, thank you. I struggled with whether or not to respond to the people accusing Jen of 'stealing' and ultimately decided that I was too angry to write a reply that wasn't hateful. You managed to stay in control better than I would have in your situation. I regret now that I didn't speak up in defense of Jen because I'm sure she could've used all the supportive comments that she could get here. I hope this experience with these trolls isn't the reason Jen hasn't posted on Epbot the last couple weeks. I'm sure her regular readers would've come to her aid in droves if they'd noticed the accusatory comments, but as they were so far down the page, I'm sure only a handful of people read this far.

Around the eye a little more, so it doesnt look like such a stark cut out. But maybe that's just me. Otherwise, I am amazed at it's awesomeness. You guy's really could open up a great etsy shop. I think your mask is fabulous, but more importantly my husband the leatherworker thinks you did a fine job.

Sadly I'm nowhere near the finish line yet, but I think the most important part - my mask - is finally finished enough to show off. As most of you guessed from my sneak peek ages ago, I'm working on a steampunk White Rabbit from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. Now, this is my first-ever foray into leather working, so naturally John and I jumped in head first by starting with a fairly complicated mask. I turned to Youtube for tutorials - and highly recommend - but we still were figuring out a lot of things as we went along, since every tutorial offers slightly different advice. I started by modeling my mask after Andrea/Merimask's ' design.

If you would like an in-depth comparison, feel free to contact me on my G+ page, and I can go into more detail there. Finally, Anonymous, I would like to say something about this particular sentence: 'Artists do not care for those who copy their designs anymore than writers care for plagiarist[sic].' Unless you are the artist in question, do not ever speak condescendingly to someone for something they were inspired to create. You do not have the right to tell her that Merimask doesn't like what Jen made. Only Merimask can say that. Wow, so sad to see such a hateful comment.

KW I totally agree with you. I left a comment on Epbot's Facebook page hoping Jen would see it quicker and I sent her an email. Jen, forget the trolls, I and I'm sure hundreds (yes hundreds) of your faithful readers will agree with KW that you have done NOTHING wrong.

Or you could maybe steampunk it a little by making a cage for the bun out of wire - I think there's one in the first few image Love the mask idea - I never knew it was possible to work with leather without needing an extensive list of specialist tools. Mini Mammoth.

I don't like that everyone is saying that Jen is copying Merriment's design. This mask isn't a direct copy. It is very similar, yes, but it is not a direct copy.

I like the white wig idea but also think it can depend on the rest of your costume. It so seems like a blunt bob wig would go well, but as for white, or maybe a black or brown wig, the color choice seems very subjective. Or how about just doing your hair in a very large, beautiful updo? Just throwing ideas your way, Jen!

At the risk of starting something bad again, I have to say that the whole discussion seems to be based on a wrong idea. Plagiarism is stealing another's words, ideas, or art and representing them as your own.

Rabbit Hole Project On Flowvella Review

First, the gold is way too shiny to go with that great matte color on the mask. Also, I noticed the gems you used are not all the same size. I like the color, but since they are between the numbers and not taking the place of the numerals, it makes the face look weird and asymmetrical. Unless that's what you were after, in which case, carry on. I've loved every craft you've done, even if I'm not nearly crafty enough to do my own. I just craft vicariously. I think the cyberlocks are really cool.

Copper coils? Or hidden hearts to show his loyalty? I kind of wish that heart on your cheek had a touch of red in it.) As always, I ADORE what you do. *hug hug hug*. Storm the Klingon I'm digging the idea of your hair being both white and in either regular ponytails or dreadfalls, teased and stiffened so as to be bunny ear-like (I assume that is your intent?). Not straight up or anything, more like down and back, at an angle?

Adding a zero to my wages would matter. Adding one to their books wouldn't.

Know that those who 'know' you believe in you and John and what you stand for and we stand by you. We are all anxious to see your finished product and hope you will wear your costume proudly! Michelle C (and the true Epbot readers). This was not kind at all.

Rabbit Hole Colorado Springs

The entire first season of White Rabbit Project will premiere December 9 on Netflix.

If we can keep digging upon the Kennedy info, Five Star Trust, Project Hammer (see below) and others in this folder, this is prime information about the corruption of the DOJ and CIA.' 'This document talks about FIVE STAR TRUST.

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